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Étude de l’activité antioxydante et détermination des teneurs en éléments minéraux des feuilles et fleurs de Ziziphus mauritiana lam.


Dernière mise à jour : 28 déc. 2023


Harouna TIRERA1,2*, Pape Issakha DIEYE2, Babacar SAGNE2, Thiermo Mohamed WANE2,Mohamed El Bachir NACO2, Elhadji Ousmane Faye2, Rokhaya GUEYE2, Kadidiatou THIAM2,Sokhna NDAO DIAO2, Bara NDIAYE2, Yérim Magnick DIOP2, Amadou DIOP2, Serigne Omar SARR2

1 : Laboratoire de Chimie Organique Thérapeutique, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Sénégal.

2 : Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique et Bromatologie, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Sénégal.

*Correspondance :


In Senegal, like almost everywhere in Africa, the majority of the population uses medicinal plants for treatment. Thus, medicinal plants occupy an important place in scientific research. The objective of this study is to contribute to the valorization of Z. mauritiana through the study of the antioxidant capacity and its nutritional composition.

The leaf extract showed greater antioxidant capacity. It presented the lowest IC50 which are 40.5049 ± 0.0313 and 44.3500 ± 0.0412 μg/ml respectively for the inhibition of DPPH and ABTS radicals. The flower extract presented an IC50 of 715.4129 ± 0.0221 μg/ml with DPPH and IC50 of 80.9238 ± 0.01212 μg/ml with ABTS. The water content in the flowers is slightly higher than the leaves, respectively 9.6095 ± 0.0233 g/100g and 9.4400 ± 0.4511 g/100g. The ash content in the leaves was significantly higher than in the flowers (respectively 9,954 g/100g and 8,621 g/100g). The leaves contained respectively 4.3765 ± 0.0445; 4.1750 ± 0.6466; 284.0000 ± 0.5204; 19.9500 ± 1.2413; 65.9012 ± 1.5366; 65.5000 ± 0.6765 and 2.1170 ± 0.0076 mg/100g of zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium and sodium. The composition of flowers in the same order was 4.0660 ± 0.0701; 4.2500 ± 0.4543; 322.5000 ± 2.4149; 21.4250 ± 0.6495; 80.3750 ± 1.9211 and 62.7250 ± 1.1669 mg/100g.

The leaves and flowers of Ziziphus mauritiana lam. contain minerals and are a potential source of natural antioxidants. It could be beneficial in the prevention of degenerative diseases linked to oxidative stress.

Keyworks : Ziziphus mauritiana lam., antioxydant, minerals, nutriments.





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