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Les produits à base de cacahuètes enrobés de gingembre et de café moulu comme nouvelle source de revenus pour les ménages : un projet d'entrepreneuriat étudiant présenté dans un centre d'incubation un


Dernière mise à jour : 13 juil. 2024

Ginger and ground coffee coated peanuts products as a new source of revenues for Householders: a student's entrepreneurship project showcased in University incubation hub in Senegal


Bassirou NDOYE1 *, Khaly MBODJI2, Cheikh NDIAYE3, Aminata DIA1,†, Fatou GUEYE1,†, Ndèye Marième DIOP1,†, Ndèye Rocky CISSÉ1,†, Simon Abdou DIOUF1,†, Cheikh THIAW2, Ndèye Coumba Touré KANE4

1: University of Sine Saloum El Hadji Ibrahima Niass (USSEIN), UFR of Fundamental Sciences and Engineering, Department of Food Sciences and Technologies.

2: University of Sine Saloum El Hadji Ibrahima Niass (USSEIN), UFR of Agricultural, Livestock, Fishing, Aquaculture, and Nutrition Sciences (SAEPAN).

3 Centre d’Excellence Africain pour la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant (CEA-SAMEF), Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), Sénégal 

4: University of Sine Saloum El Hadji Ibrahima Niass (USSEIN), Rectorate.

† Students in Licence III in agri-food processing contributed equally to this work.




Improving innovation performance in HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in Sub-Saharan Africa means enhancing their ability to produce and disseminate new knowledge, ideas, products, and processes that can contribute to the social, economic, and environmental development of the region.

An adequate higher education (University and/or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)) for the youth in agriculture, agri-food and agribusiness could be a solution for sustainable development and household poverty reduction. The establishment of a university incubator where the students, unemployed youth and inexperienced operators can develop ideas, build their capacities, rub shoulders with experienced researchers to develop new agricultural and agri-food products as well as booster entrepreneurship is essential to ensure sustainable food security.

This study aimed at describing a student’s entrepreneurship project in agri-food transformation previously selected in the incubator university and came up with developing new ginger and ground coffee coated peanut (Arachis hypogaea) products through a smart, fast, and easy processing methodology. Ginger, a very known nutraceutical, and ground coffee were traditionally coated to fresh peanuts and cooked together generating weak energy as well as reducing postharvest losses (PHL) and wastes. Coated peanuts were tasty, crunchy, and digestible, Aflatoxins-free with low water activity and less sugar. Packaging was performed with biodegradable materials to ensure long term conservation and safe food.   

In this respect, this work was successful in providing additional revenues to farmers’ household and producers as well as unlocking youth employment and reducing poverty in Senegalese rural regions. 

Keywords: Employability, students’ entrepreneurship, peanuts, ginger, ground coffee

Graphical abstract

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